


Fostering Healing, Growth, and Resilience for Newcomers and Immigrants.

Who We Are?

ABRAR Trauma and Mental Health Services is a federal not-for-profit organization that was established in 2020. Initially registered as a corporation, we are now recognized as the 15789800 CANADA FOUNDATION and operate under ABRAR Trauma and Mental Health. Our mission is to create human-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally safe brave spaces that foster healing, growth, and resilience for newcomers and immigrants. We are committed to ensuring that every newcomer and immigrant has access to affordable mental health support, enabling them to heal and fully participate in society.

Our Vision
Every newcomer and immigrant has access to affordable mental health support to heal and fully participate in society.
Our Mission
To create human-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally safe brave spaces that foster healing, growth, and resilience for newcomers and immigrants.
Our Values
- Accessible

- Human-Centric

- Culturally-Safe
We Provide Several Services

Free One-to-One Counseling

We provide free one-to-one counseling and therapy for newcomers and immigrants

Free Support Groups

Facilitated by culturally-similar professionals who lead discussions on overcoming adversity

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Explore our Events section to stay updated on upcoming workshops, seminars, and support sessions hosted by Abrar Trauma and Mental Health Organization. Join us to learn, heal, and connect with a community focused on mental well-being and recovery.

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