Our Message

Our Vision
Support collaborative community efforts to ensure that mental health among marginalized youth is prioritized during and after the pandemic.
- Raise awareness on COVID-19’s impact on the mental health of marginalized youth while learning more about the service gaps they face.
- Promote accessibility of mental health care for marginalized youth
- Highlight the importance of early intervention as a stepped-care approach for mental health care during the pandemic.
- Create a multi-sector, multi-service post-pandemic mental health recovery plan for Canada that is inclusive to marginalized youth.
Call to action
We ask elected leaders of Canada to:
Immediately work towards ensuring access to early intervention and a stepped-care type model for mental health care services as recommended by the CAMH (Policy paper July 2020).
Establish a Post-Pandemic Mental Health Recovery Plan and ensure the wellbeing of marginalized young people is prioritized.
Ensure the recovery plan involves collaboration between governments, ministries, and sectors, and places a great priority on funding and supporting grassroots and community-based services.
Work collaboratively with young people to ensure the plan is informed by and co-created with young people.
Identify specific, measurable, and achievable goals and a clear outline of actionable steps and timelines to ensure the successful implementation of the recovery plan.

Our Partners